As Director of Design for Hamilton Furniture, Catherine Stewart's rise in the competitive furniture industry began when she founded Hamilton Furniture. Today, the company has showrooms in design centers around the country.

"Simple, elegant, unadorned pieces that will compliment not compete with almost any style." This is what Catherine Stewart thinks designers are looking for. "Their clients want comfortable and elegant and the designers want style and signature. An interior both designer and client can be proud of, one that has the mark of cooperation and individuality."

Hamilton Furniture has been the vehicle for Mrs. Stewart to explore her modern esthetic with collections that are innovative and timely. When developing products, her thoughts are always on her design mantras of rhythm, repetition, and symmetry. That she admires and loves beautiful old things, does not mean Mrs. Stewart wishes to replicate them, simply that she is excited and inspired by them; their shape, their color, texture and presence. She chooses to simplify, reduce, minimize the element that makes them unique and reinterpret it in her products.

A creative force in the design industry today, Hamilton is pleased to have her collections.

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